
Crustal zircon xenocrysts from mantle-derived magmatic rocks have the potential to probe the deep crust. Here we present integrated U–Pb dating and Hf-isotope analyses of zircons from a Paleozoic diamondiferous kimberlite dike in the Maping area of Zhenyuan County (southeastern Guizhou Province), with implications for the tectonothermal evolution of unexposed continental crust beneath the southern Yangtze Block, South China. All zircons (n = 236) show a wide range of U–Pb ages between Mesoarchean and middle Carboniferous. Among them, 96 zircons with 90–110% concordance yield concordant ages from 2942 ± 8 Ma to 342 ± 2 Ma, and form major age peaks at ∼2.9 Ga, ∼2.6 Ga and ∼2.0 Ga. The overwhelming majority of zircons are dominated by Mesoarchean–Paleoproterozoic U–Pb ages regardless of their concordance degrees. The zircon populations mainly consist of magmatic zircons, with minor metamorphic grains (Th/U < 0.10). The youngest magmatic zircon (Th/U = 0.43) with a well concordant 206Pb/238U age of 342 ± 2 Ma (M1-16) is interpreted as the maximum emplacement age of the Maping diamondiferous kimberlites. Most zircons with pre-eruption ages are considered to be xenocrysts, and they may be derived from the deep-seated continental crust through which kimberlite host magmas have passed. Their U–Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositions suggest the possible existence of a highly evolved Archean basement beneath the southern Yangtze Block, South China, which is much older than its known surface rocks. A lot of magmatic zircon xenocrysts reveal complex Precambrian crustal evolution in the southern Yangtze Block. These processes involved the important growth of continental crust at 2.6–2.5 Ga, and in the meantime, crustal reworking could be intermittently proceeding at 3.0–2.6 Ga. In addition, a group of xenocrystic zircons are identified to be of metamorphic origin, indicating that the proposed Archean basement beneath the southern Yangtze Block likely experienced a metamorphic event around 2.0 Ga. This geologically significant episode is consistent with the well-developed coeval metamorphism in other places of the Yangtze Block (e.g., Kongling Terrane), which has been considered to link to the assembly of the Paleoproterozoic Nuna/Columbia supercontinent. Our zircon data implies that the unexposed Archean basement beneath the southern Yangtze Block was affected by multiple thermal activities.

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