
Introduction. The modern differentiation of the Erzya dialects in the Volga region and the Southern Urals is the result of a long historical development. The migration of the Mordovians from their former places of residence contributed to their formation. The fact that in these regions the Erzya lived isolated from the rest of the Mordovians and contacted directly with peoples having different patterns of language contributed to preserving archaic phenomena of the base language and appearing innovative components in the structure of the dialects under study. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe archaic phenomena and innovations in the case paradigms of the study area. Materials and Methods. The article is based on the field materials collected by the authors during linguistic expeditions in the places of concentration of the Erzya in the territory of the Volga region and the Southern Urals. The dialectal material was collected based on the questionnaire, reflecting the lexical, phonetic and morphological variations of linguistic phenomena. The descriptive and comparative historical methods were used to analyze language material. Results and Discussion. The study of the linguistic material of the Volga region and the Southern Urals showed the differences in the case paradigms of the noun from the corresponding paradigms of the Erzya codified languages and other Mordovian dialects. In analysis showed that in the paradigms of the definite declension singular, there are different sets of cases and there is no single structure of word forms. Some paradigms are archaic, consistent, and logical. In the composition of others, new formations have developed, homonymous case suffixes and postpositional constructions have appeared. Conclusion. The main dialect types of the Erzya languages were developed before the migration processes to the eastern territories of the modern residence of the Erzya. The isolated development of the dialects of the Volga region and the Southern Urals made it possible both to preserve archaic phenomena in the paradigms of the definite declension and to develop new formations uncharacteristic for them.


  • The modern differentiation of the Erzya dialects in the Volga region and the Southern Urals is the result of a long historical development

  • The fact that in these regions the Erzya lived isolated from the rest of the Mordovians and contacted directly with peoples having different patterns of language contributed to preserving archaic phenomena of the base language and appearing innovative components in the structure of the dialects under study

  • The article is based on the field materials collected by the authors during linguistic expeditions in the places of concentration of the Erzya in the territory of the Volga region and the Southern Urals

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Дмитрий Васильевич Цыганкин Нина Афанасьевна Агафонова Иван Николаевич Рябов

Исследование языкового материала Заволжья и Южного Урала показало отличия падежных парадигм имени существительного от соответствующих парадигм эрзянского кодифицированного языка и других диалектов и говоров. Изолированное развитие диалектов Заволжья и Южного Урала позволило, с одной стороны, сохранить архаичные явления в парадигмах определенного склонения, а с другой – выработать в них нехарактерные для них новообразования. Н. Архаичные и инновационные явления в падежных парадигмах эрзянских диалектов Заволжья и Южного Урала // Финно-угорский мир. Отсутствие единой падежной системы характерно и для эрзянских диалектов и говоров Заволжья и Южного Урала. Падежные системы эрзянских диалектов Заволжья и Южного Урала до настоящего времени не были предметом специального исследования. Однако в настоящее время в диалектах Заволжья и Южного Урала происходят довольно глубокие процессы ассимиляции, в результате чего сфера функционирования этих диалектов сокращается, что требует скорейшей фиксации речи носителей языка и диалектных особенностей данного лингвистического ареала

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