
The objective of the work was to determine the general and sanitary condition of olive seedlings (Olea europaea L.). For which the presence of the main microbial group that colonizes the roots of the seedlings of this crop was investigated. To determine and assess fungal root infection, colonization by native fungal organisms in roots of olive trees produced in a nursery in the Central Valley of the province of Catamarca (Argentina) was studied. The studies were carried out by microscopic observation of stained fungal structures within the root, using clarification and staining methodologies. Typical structures of endomycorrhizae such as hyphae, arbuscules and vesicles (MVA), and dark septate endophytic fungi (ESO) with septate, melanized hyphae and numerous microsclerotia were observed. This first condition is desirable in all plants due to its ability to promote plant growth of mycorrhizal-forming fungi

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