
Scolecophidian snakes, which include the blind and thread snakes (Miralles et al. 2018), usually have fossorial or ground-dwelling life styles, although some are known to climb rocks or vegetation. Das and Wallach (1998) reviewed cases of arboreality in this group, and additional records have been published since (Bazzano 2007; Murphy et al. 2016; Harrington et al. 2018; Kraus 2017; Repp 2019; de Fraga and de Carvalho 2022). The natural history of these snakes on Caribbean islands is poorly known. Henderson and Powell (2009) compiled natural history information on Caribbean herpetofauna in which definite climbing behavior is mentioned only for three species of Typhlopidae. According to the current zoogeographical definition of the Caribbean region (Hedges et al. 2019), records of arboreality in scolecophidian species can be expanded. The new addition is for the leptotyphlopid Epictia tenella (Klauber), which was recorded 1.5 m high in a tangle of lianas lying against a trunk (Murphy et al. 2016). For Typhlopidae, Antillotyphlops catapontus (Thomas) was found climbing into big carton nests of termites (Lazell 2006), A. richardii (Duméril and Bibron) was found 1.5 m high in a tree (Metopium toxiferum; Tolson and Campbell 1989), and Typhlops lumbricalis Linnaeus was found 1 m above the ground in a rotting petiole base still attached to a fan palm (Schwartz and Henderson 1991). Arboreal or climbing behavior in scolecophidian snakes occurs when the snakes follow chemical cues left by their prey, which consist usually of ants and termites (Gehlbach et al. 1971; Webb and Shine 1992). Here, I report observations of scolecophidian snakes from Hispaniola that were actively exposed on plants or found within epiphytes in trees. Additionally, I include one observation on the diurnal activity of a leptotyphlopid snake. These records appear to be the first for any Hispaniolan scolecophidian. Specimens were collected and deposited in the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural Eugenio de Jesus Marcano (MNHNSD) of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

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