
Recen t ly i t has been suggested (1) t h a t coupling cons tants are not free pa r ame te r s in asympto t ica l ly free theories . The a rgumen t proceeds as follows. The ve r t ex funct ion F(4){~pl, Sp~, ~P3, ~Pd, g) in the g~4-theory wi th g < 0, for instance, goes like const • (ln ~2)-1 for Euc l idean nonexcept iona l m o m e n t a as ~-~-~ cr By wr i t ing an unsub t rac t ed dispersion re la t ion for F (4), and eva lua t ing i t at the po in t p ~ = ~0P~ at which /,(4)= g, one has a p p a r e n t l y a sum rule of the fo rm

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