
We suggest an arbitrage free interpolation method for pricing zero-coupon bonds of arbitrary maturities from a model of the market data that typically underlies the swap curve; that is short term, future and swap rates. This is done first within the context of the Libor or the swap market model. We do so by introducing an independent stochastic process which plays the role of a short term yield, in which case we obtain an approximate closed-form solution to the term structure while preserving a stochastic implied short rate. This will be discontinuous but it can be turned into a continuous process (however at the expense of closed-form solutions to bond prices). We then relax the assumption of a complete set of initial swap rates and look at the more realistic case where the initial data consists of fewer swap rates than tenor dates and show that a particular interpolation of the missing swaps in the tenor structure will determine the volatility of the resulting interpolated swaps. We give conditions under which the problem can be solved in closed-form therefore providing a consistent arbitrage-free method for yield curve generation.

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