Morphologically, the infinitive of the verb لحَنَ يَلْحَنُ the concept of “اللِحْنُ /al-laḥn”, lexicographic tune, composition, melody, harmonious sound that is pleasing to the ear; It has different meanings, such as speaking incorrectly and speaking in a closed and pseudonymous way that no one else can understand. In the Arabic language terminology, the concept in question is described as the opposite of fluent Arabic and in the pronunciation of letters or words; in the meaning and use of words; it means to make mistakes in the formation of the sentence and in the irapta/movements. The phenomenon of laḥn, which can be briefly defined as the incorrect use in the language, is a subject that needs to be examined in many ways. In this study, the subject of Detection of the Laḥn Phenomenon in the Arabic Language Literature and Sources Used in Tasḥîḥ has been examined. It is beyond argument that language, which is one of the hallmarks of human beings, is in a state of constant change as a living entity by nature, depending on both cultural, economic and technological developments. Functionally, language is the most vital part of life, the basic element of literature and national culture, and has an important place in human life. In addition to these, as a means of communication and expression, it has features such as approximator and fuser. Because of these features, peoples have attached importance to its correct development. Arabs, who had a distinguished place in the pre-Islamic period with their fluency and eloquence, clearly put language and literature above everything else and considered this a source of pride. With the disposition they inherited from their ancestors, they could easily understand which word signified which meaning. They did not need any grammatical rules to correct or strengthen the selica. Along with Islam - especially with the people's influx of people entering Islam in groups as a result of the conquests - the contact of Arabs with many foreign cultures, and the widespread use of laḥn in the Arabic language began to appear in almost every part of the society and in many different fields. It is known that this situation played a leading role in laying the foundation of the Arabic grammar and starting the dictionary studies in the eyes of the scholars of the period. But II/VII. Since the middle of the century, studies such as lexicon and grammar were not sufficient and the phenomenon of laḥn continued to become widespread, and the "Laḥnu'l-âmme, Laḥnu'l-hâṣṣe, Mâ telhânü fîhi'l-ʿamme, Laḥnu'l-avâm" aimed at detecting and correcting erroneous uses. and laḥnu'l-havâṣ”, many works have been written. Ali b. Hamza al-Kisâî's (d. 189/805) Mâ telḥanü fîhi'l-ʿavâm, and Ibn al-Sikkît's (d. 244/858) Iṣlâḥu'l-manṭık; Mufaddal b. Mâ telḥanü fîhi'l-ʿamme of Salama (d. 290/903); Kitâbü'l-Faṣîḥ by Abu'l-Abbas Sa'leb (d. 291/904); Leyse fî kalami'l-ʿArab of Ibn Halaveyh al-Hamedani (d. 370/980); Abu Bakr al-Zubaidi's (d. 379/989) Laḥnü'l-ʿavâm; The Tes̱ḳīfü'l-lisân of Ibn Makkî (d. 501/1108); Abu Muhammad al-Harîrî's (d. 516/1122) Dürretü'l-Şavvâṣ fî evhâmi'l-ḫavâṣ; Ebû Mansûr al-Cevâlîkî's (d. 540/1145) Tekmileti îṣlâḥ mâ taġleṭu fîhi'l-ʿâmme; Ibn Hisham al-Lahmi's (d. 577/1181) al-Medḫal to taḳvîmi'l-lisân; Ibn Berrî al-Maqdisî's (d. 582/1187) Ġalaṭü'ḍ-ḍuʿafâʾ mine'l-fuḳahâʾ; Works such as İbnü'l-Cevzî's (d. 597/1201) Calendarü'l-lisân and Ebü's-Safâ es-Safedî's (d. 764/1363) Taṣḥîḥü't-taṣḥîf are some of the works written in this field. are important works. Recently, some works have been written on the detection and correction of the phenomenon of laḥn in the Arabic language. Tehẕîbü'l-elfâẓi'l-'âmmiyye by Muhammad Ali ed-Dusûkî; Teẕkiretü'l-kâtib of Es'ad Halîl Dâğir, Aḫtâunâ fi's- ṣuḥûf ve'd-devâvîn of Salâhuddîn ez-Ze'balâvî; Abdulkadir al-Mağribî's Asarâtü'l-lisân fi'l-luga; Works such as Muhammad al-Adnânî's Mu'cemü'l-ağlâṭi'l-lükeviyya al-muâṣıra and Şevkî Dayf's Taḥrifâtü'l-'âmmiyye li'l-füṣḥâ are some important works that stand out in this context. are studies. The authors in question tried to prove the authentic format based on some sources, not randomly, while detecting and correcting the errors they observed. Although the quantity and quality vary from person to person, these sources are generally Arabic poetry, the Qur'an, recitations, hadiths, fluent Arabic prose, the lexical meaning of the relevant word or phrase, and Arabic grammar.
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