
The causes of language rules have been called ‘illas of grammar in the Ar-abic language. The history of the ilal al-nahw has almost started together with his-tory of nahw. The ilal al-nahw concept came on the scene with Halil b. Ahmed who is one of the first linguists. The aim of ‘illas of grammar is to provide the true talk of language and to appear proofs of this. The Linguists like al-Zajjâji, Ibn Jinni, al-Anbâri and al-Es-Suyutiwrote books considered the matter of ilal and classified from the different point of views. For example al-Zajjâji divided the ‘illas of gram-mar to three; educational, comparisonal and dialectical. As ‘illas of grammar being determined has been benefited from the ilal of logic, fiqh and Islamic teology too. The educational ilal are necessary ilal in the language teaching. Comparisonal ilal and especially dialectical ilal were turned a philosophical and a logical shape in-cluded unnecessary debates. Some of the linguists the first of all Ibn Madâ criti-cized this kind of ilal and said that be required to remove from the grammar books. These ilal that is not necessary very much may suitable for remove from the schoolbooks but not from all grammar books.

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