
Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are important proteoglycans regulating somatic embryogenesis in diverse plant species. Embryogenic cells of somatic embryos are covered by special extracellular cell wall layer called extracellular surface matrix network (ECMSN) at their early developmental stages. Here we show that highly embryogenic cell line AC78 of hybrid fir (Abies alba x Abies cephalonica) differs from very low-embryogenic cell line AC77 in the abundance, subcellular localization and deposition of subset of secreted AGPs. A specific AGP epitope containing Gal residues and reacting to Gal4 antibody is secreted and deposited into ECMSN, which covers the surface of the embryogenic cells showing high embryogenic and regeneration capacity in the cell line AC78. On the other hand, this Gal4 AGP epitope was not secreted and/or found on the surface of meristematic cells showing low embryogenic and regeneration capacity in the cell line AC77, as well as on the surface of non-embryogenic suspensor cells and callus cells in both cell lines AC77 and AC78. As a positive control, we have used another AGP epitope LM2 (containing glucuronic acid) showing no significant differences in these two Abies hybrid lines. This study defines specific AGPs containing beta-(1-->6)-galactotetraosyl group as a first molecular component of ECMSN covering embryogenic cells in gymnosperms.

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