
Safi, whose birth date is unknown, he lived until the first quarter of the 18th century. The poet, whose real name is Mustafa, is known by the nickname "Tavlabaşı-zâde", which is also encountered in different forms such as "Tavîlebaşı" and "Tavîle-zâde" in the sources. Different researchers have done various studies related to their work, including encyclopedia/dictionary articles, articles, books, and master's thesis. However, in most of these studies, there is a common assessment that the tazkira and biographical sources do not mention Safî. Therefore, related studies show that there is no information about the poet's life, or limited information from his works is transferred as far as it can be accessed. However, a few recent studies have found that there is an unusual situation in the biography of the poet, and it has been found that the poet is involved in some sources -in a wrong way- with a different pseudonym and that this error information is also available in many biographical works written today.
 This article goes one step further than what is known about the poet and it was tried to draw attention by reaching the biography of the poet, which was present from the beginning but never noticed. In addition, a review of the poems of Safî Mustafa Efendi on Sâlim Efendi Tezkire has been considered to be open to criticism in many ways and it is emphasized that this evaluation statement, which is thought to be unfair, is repeated by some current biographical sources without being subjected to any examination.

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