
In the foregoing issue biomicroscopically visible pathways of blood-vessellike appearance, containing a clear colorless fluid or diluted blood have been described. They are intercalated, probably via Schlemm's canal, between intraocular fluid on one side, and conjunctival and sub-conjunctival veins on the other. Anatomically, they are connected with, or a part of, the intra-scleral meshwork. The occurrence, the appearance, and the reaction to mechanical and to physiologic factors have been described. Particular attention was directed to the stratification repeatedly observed in aqueous veins. It is due to the simultaneous presence of two or more strata differing in red-cell content and most certainly also in chemical composition. The aqueous veins contain aqueous humor mixed, in varying ratios, with blood. In the foregoing issue biomicroscopically visible pathways of blood-vessellike appearance, containing a clear colorless fluid or diluted blood have been described. They are intercalated, probably via Schlemm's canal, between intraocular fluid on one side, and conjunctival and sub-conjunctival veins on the other. Anatomically, they are connected with, or a part of, the intra-scleral meshwork. The occurrence, the appearance, and the reaction to mechanical and to physiologic factors have been described. Particular attention was directed to the stratification repeatedly observed in aqueous veins. It is due to the simultaneous presence of two or more strata differing in red-cell content and most certainly also in chemical composition. The aqueous veins contain aqueous humor mixed, in varying ratios, with blood.

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