
Aquatic vegetables are predominantly in vogue where they are naturally available in plenty. In India, a number of aquatic vegetables, viz. water chestnut (Trapa spp.), water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.), lotus root (Nelumbo nucifera) and makhana (Euryale ferox Salisb.), are grown sporadically/commercially. Aquatic vegetables are eco-friendly, least suffer from any major diseases and pests and can be raised without applying any chemicals. They are rich in nutrition, dietary fibres, phyto-chemicals and antioxidants and play a pivotal role in reducing malnutrition in general and micronutrient malnutrition in particular. Apart from the nutritional and medicinal importance adhered to the aquatic vegetables, they also contribute significantly to maintaining the wetland ecosystem. Demand of by-products of aquatic vegetables like makhana pop, water chestnut flour and lotus root in urban market is pronouncing day by day due to its dietary and therapeutic properties. Some aquatic vegetables like water spinach also ensure availability of fresh vegetables round the year to the consumers. In urban areas, it can also be cultivated under terrace gardening in a container and wall culture as a vertical farming for producing healthy and hygienic veggies. Neglected water bodies/swampy land can be used for remunerative cultivation of aquatic vegetables. These vegetables help in purifying water by reducing current velocity and allowing deposition of sediment for removal of inorganic pollutants (nitrate, phosphate, etc.) from water bodies. Nowadays, the integrated approach for cultivating various horticultural crops on surrounding bunds of water bodies with aquatic vegetables and fish culture is emerging as a promising and sustainable agricultural method for higher production and returns per unit area. In addition to the importance of aquatic vegetables in the preparation of healthful food, it has a great religious value as well. It serves as an essential additive with remarkable benefits in industrial sectors like textile, paper pulp, fertilizer, fish food, compost and biogas fuel. It also provides aesthetic opportunities with fewer requirements of inputs as well as new venture to begin entrepreneurship in urban and peri-urban areas.

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