
The mangrove zoning and landscape express the correlation between mangrove vegetation (density, biodiversity and species distribution) with environment factors like as water inundation, seatide, and soil properties. The research was conducted in Segara Anakan Lagoon to analysis community structure and mangrove landscape based on species distribution, biodiversity, environment factors, and mangrove zoning. The results showed that (a) Segara Anakan Lagoon had 4 mangrove zone's were dominated by Sonneratia alba, Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia marina, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora styllosa, and Nypa frutican; (b) the structure of ecosystem was showed by trend of mangrove ecosystem with equation y = 35.34x2 923.85x + 12817 with x = time (year) and y = mangrove area (ha), mangrove density between 1333367 ind ha-1 (West Segara Anakan) and 899–567 ind ha-1 (East Segara Anakan), dominated species were Nypa frutican, Rhizophora stylosa, Rhizophora apiculata, and Aegiceras corniculatum and mangrove biodiversity between 2,572,65 (moderate); (c) structure of environment factor showed single and semi double-type tides, water debit between 0.360.73 m s-1; water depth between 0.20–23.7 m and water inundation between 480cm; soil texture was clay and loam, soil nitrate of 1.5 mg 100 g-1, soil phosphate of 1.5 mg 100 g-1, C organic of 1.31%, soil pH of 6–7, and soil salinity of 6.5–10 ppt.


  • Segara Anakan Lagoon is a semi-closed seawater ecosystem since preserved by Nusakambangan Islands, and takes the seawater supply from the Indian Ocean and freshwater supply from many rivers like as Donan, Citanduy, Cikonde, and Sapuregel river (Hilmi et al, 2019a; 2020)

  • The mangrove landscape following the patern of the mangrove zone, species distribution and structure community refer to the adaptation of mangrove species toward changing of environment factors (Giri et al, 2015), the potential of sedimentation, heavy metal pollution, nitrate buffers (Liu et al, 2019), and oxygen stress (Asaeda & Barnuevo, 2019)

  • This research collect data on 37 stations that were 17 stations in Esat Segara Anakan Lagoon/East Segara Anakan Lagoon (E-SAL) which were distributed in Kalipanas, Donan River, Sapuregel, Pelawangan Timur, and Kembang Kuning River, and 20 stations in West Segara Anakan Lagoon/water salinity of between 13.519.5 ppt (W-SAL) were distributed in Ujung Gagak, Majingklak, Klaces, Ujung Alang, and Kali Semak (Table 1 and Figure 1)

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Segara Anakan Lagoon is a semi-closed seawater ecosystem since preserved by Nusakambangan Islands, and takes the seawater supply from the Indian Ocean and freshwater supply from many rivers like as Donan, Citanduy, Cikonde, and Sapuregel river (Hilmi et al, 2019a; 2020). This condition is a trigering factor to support potential of seatide, water inundation, pH, salinity, soil texture, and soil fertilize. The mangrove community is influenced by exsistence of Rhizophora spp., Avicennia spp., Bruguiera spp., Aegiceras spp., Ceriops spp., and Sonneratia spp. as major species of mangrove ecosystem

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