
Abstract The goal of this research is to evaluate how the assemblages of aquatic macrophytes in marginal floodplain habitats, with different degrees of connectivity to the main river, respond to water level fluctuations. Samples were carried out quarterly (May 2000 to March 2002) in seven lagoons of the Upper Paraná River floodplain (22°30′ and 22°45′‐S and 53°15′ and 53°30′‐W) with different degrees of connectivity (connected and disconnected to the main river). In each lagoon, a shore‐pelagic zone transect was marked and at every 2 m the depth and the cover of each aquatic macrophyte species were recorded (Domin‐Krajina scale) in a quadrat of 0.25 m2. A total of 29 aquatic macrophyte species and an unusual decrease in water level were recorded in August 2001. Drawdown had a negative impact on species richness, only in connected lagoons, which was shown by a positive relationship between depth and species number (r‐Spearman = 0.86; P < 0.01). Depth affected Beta diversity positively (r‐Spearman = 0.79; P < 0.05). Drawdown affected the connected and disconnected lagoons differently, which can be attributed to their different morphometry. In this period, ‘habitat contraction’ was higher on connected lagoons. Positive correlation between mean species number and depth, and between beta diversity and depth, are factors that support this affirmation. Indicator species analysis showed that for disconnected lagoons, Oxycaryum cubense (Cyperaceae), Polygonum meissnerianum (Polygonaceae) and P. ferrugineum, with indicator values (IndVal) of 53, 30 and 25%, respectively, were indicator species. Salvinia spp. (Salvinaceae) (62%), P. acuminatum (44%) and the Ricciaceae Ricciocarpus natans (0%) were the indicator species of the connected lagoons.

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