
The fungal flora of two water bodies Upper Lake and Hathaikheda Reservoir of Bhopal Madhya Pradesh were isolated during the course of study from January 2017 to December 2018. During the present study, total 600 isolates, comprising of 17 genera and 24 species of aquatic and terrestrial fungi were recorded from two water bodies. These fungi belonged to various orders of the group Oomycota, Ascomycota and Zygomycota. Members of Saprolegniales were dominant over the rest of the orders of fungi at both the water bodies. Upper Lake showed a great fungal diversity compared to that of Hataikheda Reservoir as total 332 isolated of fungi were isolated from Upper Lake, while as only 268 isolated of fungi were isolated from Hathaikheda Reservoir. Majority of the fungal species were common at both the water bodies, but Aphanomyces laevis, Aphanomyces invades, Saprolegnia hypogyanna, Pythium undulatum and Aspergillus terrus were only specific to Upper Lake.

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