
We studied the vegetation of the aquatic ecosystems ofLake Mikri Prespa. The lacustrine vegetationcomprises three distinct forms: floating plants,benthic hydrophytes and helophytes, which aredescribed and classified from the phytosociologicalpoint of view, as follows: (a) the vegetation of thefloating plants belong to the Lemnetea class and isrepresented by two plant communities; (b) thevegetation of the benthic hydrophytes, belongs to thePotametea class consisting of two differentcategories, namely the submersed formations and theemergent formations of the hydrophytes. Various plantcommunities were recognised in this type of vegetationand three among them are considered as the mostrepresentative; (c) the vegetation of helophytes, theprevailing life form in this wetland, belongs to thePhragmitetea class and is represented mainly by sevenwell organised plant communities. The respectivevegetation of two of the five more important wetlandsites is described.The terrestrial vegetation is composed of forestand meadow vegetation. The forest vegetation of theNational Park belongs to the class Querco-Fagetea andshows the following zonation: (a) in the vicinity ofthe lake, at the elevation of 860–1000 m, twoassociations have been found: the mixed deciduous andevergreen forests of Ostryo-Carpinion orientalis andthe evergreen forests of Ostryo-Carpinion adriaticum;(b) the deciduous oak forests surround the previouszone at the altitude of 900–1300 m with two principalassociations, namely the Quercetum frainetto and theQuercetum petraeae; (c) in the upper forest layerbetween 1200–1800 m asl, dominate beech forests of theassociation Fagion moesiacum and the less extensiveoccurrence of the mixed beech-fir stands (Ass.Abieti-Fagetum moesiacum).The zone above the tree limit is distinguished by itssubalpine character semi-shrub vegetation extendinghigher than the forest (1800–2000 m), whereas alpine meadowscover the vegetation at higheraltitudes. On the plains and in the forest clearingsexist herbaceous meadow formations of variablestructure, in parallel with the vegetation of specifichabitats, such as nitrophilous and ammophilousplants.

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