
Serbian aquaculture is practiced in warmwater (carp) farms, coldwater (trout) farms, cage systems, recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and fish tanks. The total area under carp farms (ponds) registered by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) in the last fourteen years has varied between 6,192 and 8,940 ha, while under the area under trout farms was between 33,255 m2 and 81,411 m2. Total fish production over the last fourteen years varied between 5,070 tons, recorded in 2017 and 8,195 tons of market fish, recorded in 2010. Fish production is dominated by common carp and rainbow trout (about 90% of total production). In addition to these two species, several other species are cultured at carp farms, such as catfish, pikeperch, pike, silver carp, bighead carp, grass carp, Prussian carp and tench. In trout farms, additional cultured species are usually brook trout, huchen and grayling, while cultured fish species in RAS systems are sterlet and Russian sturgeon.

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