
Drying has been the most widely used fruit preservation process for many years. Food dehydration is a process in which heat transfer and mass transfer take place. The main objective of this research is to share the results obtained in the process of dehydration of seasonal fruits and vegetables of the Tabasco region through a dynamic model using a solar stove, through a controllable indirect heating method, which stabilizes the temperature of dehydration, so that there are no alterations in color and flavor of the fruit. The results in the dehydration of seasonal fruits (mango and cambola) are presented in adequate and homogeneous proportions, distributing each piece in the solar stove, exposed to solar energy for three days. A description of the solar drying used, the instrumentation used and the experimental process that was carried out in each of the tests is briefly shown. Solar energy is used as a good source of heat supply for the dehydration of agricultural products and the use of the solar stove gives another alternative to the use of this renewable and sustainable energy, which is available in Tabasco for drying food products, with the purpose of preserving and giving added value to the fruits of this region

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