
APRON QUALITY TEST FOR OPTIMIZATION OF RADIATION PROTECTION FOR PATIENTS IN RADIOLOGY OF DIAGNOSTIC AND INTERVENTIONAL. Apron is a body protective device that can reduce the dose of scattered radiation exposure from x-ray beams, but in the use of an apron it is often neglected because of impracticality and improper laying procedures that cause damage to the lead rubber plate (Pb) inside so that the function of apron in protecting radiation is not optimal and most likely to get high dose from scattered radiation. This test aims to ensure that radiation protection equipment can provide optimal protection. The apron quality test methods analyzed were visual, tactile and fluoroscopy. In addition, the analysis of the quality of the apron is evaluated by looking at the level of damage and reviewing the graph of the relationship between area of defect and equivalent dose. The results of the radiation dose measurement based on the irradiation process on the apron in the radiology room there was 1 damaged apron of 3 aprons, while in the ESWL room there were 1 apron and in the cathlab room there were 4 aprons still in good condition. Based on the level of damage to the apron in the radiology room, there were several types of damage, namely absent lead type = 1.75 mSv, Crack type = 0.67 mSv and stiching type = 0.47 mSv. The results of the graph between the dose equivalent to the area of defect obtained a linear relationship, meaning that the more extensive the damage to an apron, the greater the radiation dose received by the patient and the patient's companion. Therefore, for the apron that is not feasible, based on the dose and area, it is better to replace the apron so that providing optimal protection and prevent unnecessary exposure. Keywords: Optimization, Radiation protection, Equivalent dose, Defect

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