
The Professional Improvement Program (PIP) of the Instituto Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology (IDPC) aims the nurse improvement in the assistance, teaching and research focusing on the patients with cardiovascular problems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the PIP in Cardiovascular Nursing of the IDPC under the egresses point of view. This was an exploratory, descriptive research, held in a public hospital with its reference in the cardiovascular area. Data was collected from a questionnaire, along with 151 egresses of 23 groups in a period between 1981 and 2004. The sample of 53 (35%) egresses who were in the study had showed 92% of satisfaction with the infrastructure, 75% considered a relevant content and 64% reported that the teaching body had shown commitment to the education. For 79% the training period was enough, 75% reported that the training provided the theory application in the activity field and 72% reported that the training reached their expectations. The PIP contributed to the egresses insertion (92%) and their area performance (94%), 73% would recommend the course and 87% were satisfied with it. The evaluation of the course subsidized the intern rules revision and the curriculum reformulation, allowing the establishment of the Pedagogical Political Project having competences in its origin. Key words : Research on Evaluation of Nursing; Education; Nursing; Cardiology.


  • The Professional Improvement Program (PIP) of the Instituto Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology (IDPC) aims the nurse improvement in the assistance, teaching and research focusing on the patients with cardiovascular problems

  • The sample of 53 (35%) egresses who were in the study had showed 92% of satisfaction with the infrastructure, 75% considered a relevant content and 64% reported that the teaching body had shown commitment to the education

  • For 79% the training period was enough, 75% reported that the training provided the theory application in the activity field and 72% reported that the training reached their expectations

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Este Programa de Aprimoramento

Profissional (PAP) destina-se a complementar a formação de recém-graduados da área de saúde, mediante treinamento em serviço em instituições de saúde - universitárias ou não - de elevado padrão científico e técnico, sob orientação e supervisão diretas de profissionais especializados nas diversas áreas que integram ou apóiam a prestação de serviços de saúde(1). Procurou-se identificar opiniões dos egressos sobre a contribuição do aprimoramento para inserção e atuação no mercado de trabalho e as áreas do processo de trabalho (gestão, assistência, ensino e pesquisa) em que o PAP possibilitou o desenvolvimento de competências, além de verificar o atendimento das expectativas do programa, indicação e a satisfação dos egressos em relação ao curso. Tabela 1: Distribuição da freqüência e percentual de respostas quanto à satisfação em relação à estrutura física do curso de Aprimoramento em Enfermagem Cardiovascular do IDPC para o desempenho das atividades profissionais. 34 (64%) egressos relataram que os docentes demonstraram compromisso com o ensino do aprimoramento, mas os resultados da avaliação relativa à didática e qualificação para o ensino revelaram necessidade de capacitação pedagógica uma vez que apenas 20 (38%).

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