
The formal teaching environment can be a place of various forms of knowledge building. This can be verified in the daily life of any school institution, where the interactions between students are constant and, therefore, the exchanges of knowledge as well. The intention of this article is to problematizeon moments not considered as teaching / learning, extraclass moments that can become important knowledgesource for students' lives. For this, some authors from different areas of knowledge are mobilized, mainly Lave and Wenger (1991) who work with the concept of legitimate peripheral participation and communities of practice, and, Gee (2004) that articulatethe previous ideas to the interconnected context of present through the affinityspaces. The author's personal memories helped to think about some forms of extra-class learning possible in a formal school environment. The challenge of overcoming the hegemony of schooling, as well as the exclusivism of school contents as the only sources of knowledge, to the detriment of learning resulting from human interactions seems to be fundamental.

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