
In 2010, Lafforgue and de la Salle gave examples of noncommutative Lp-spaces without the operator space approximation property (OAP) and, hence, without the completely bounded approximation property (CBAP). To this purpose, they introduced the property of completely bounded approximation by Schur multipliers on Sp, denoted APp,cbSchur, and proved that for p∈[1,43)∪(4,∞] the groups SL(n,Z), with n⩾3, do not have the APp,cbSchur. Since for p∈(1,∞) the APp,cbSchur is weaker than the approximation property of Haagerup and Kraus (AP), these groups were also the first examples of exact groups without the AP. Recently, Haagerup and the author proved that also the group Sp(2,R) does not have the AP, without using the APp,cbSchur. In this paper, we prove that Sp(2,R) does not have the APp,cbSchur for p∈[1,1211)∪(12,∞]. It follows that a large class of noncommutative Lp-spaces does not have the OAP or CBAP.

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