
Consider discrete conformal maps defined on the basis of two conformally equivalent triangle meshes, that is edge lengths are related by scale factors associated to the vertices. Given a smooth conformal map $f$, we show that it can be approximated by such discrete conformal maps $f^\epsilon$. In particular, let $T$ be an infinite regular triangulation of the plane with congruent triangles and only acute angles (i.e.\ $<\pi/2$). We scale this tiling by $\epsilon>0$ and approximate a compact subset of the domain of $f$ with a portion of it. For $\epsilon$ small enough we prove that there exists a conformally equivalent triangle mesh whose scale factors are given by $\log|f'|$ on the boundary. Furthermore we show that the corresponding discrete conformal maps $f^\epsilon$ converge to $f$ uniformly in $C^1$ with error of order $\epsilon$.

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