
In this study we deal with network routing decisions and approximate performance evaluation approaches for generalized open queuing networks (OQN), in which commodities enter the network, receive service at one or more arcs and then leave the network. Exact performance evaluation has been applied for the analysis of Jackson OQN, where the arrival and service processes of the commodities are assumed to be Poisson. However, the Poisson processes’ hypotheses are not a plausible or acceptable assumption for the analysis of generalized OQN, as their arrival and service processes can be much less variable than Poisson processes, resulting in overestimated system performance measures and inappropriate flow routing solutions. In this paper we merge network routing algorithms and network decomposition methods to solve multicommodity flow problems in generalized OQN. Our focus is on steady-state performance measures as average delays and waiting times in queue. The main contributions are twofold: (i) to highlight that solving the corresponding multicommodity flow problem by representing the generalized OQN as a Jackson OQN may be a poor approximation and may lead to inaccurate estimates of the system performance measures, and (ii) to present a multicommodity flow algorithm based on a routing step and on an approximate decomposition step, which leads to much more accurate solutions. Computational results are presented in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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