
<p>正確、流利的使用日語乃是所有外國人學習日語的目標。然而,以中文為母語的日語學習者(以下簡稱CNJ)對於五十音無法熟記等問題亦時有所聞。此問題恐與CNJ發話時日語的CV音節過長有關。該如何有效解決此問題乃當務之急。因此,本研究是以6名的CNJ與3名東京腔的日語母語者(以下簡稱JN)為對象,運用日語音聲的特徵以輕聲無義詞來指導,加以確認CNJ是否可利用連續的短CV音節發出日語適當的音節長。通過本實驗研究,比較CNJ(指導前後)和JN的差異,針對單詞、詞語、短句發話中的3音節和4音節無義詞,分析其是否可正確區分CV音節長度。研究結果顯示,指導前CNJ的3音節與4音節的音節長度分布與JN之間具有顯著差異,且音節的高低傾向與JN的音長伸縮率也呈現出差異性。然而,經筆者指導後,CNJ與JN之間的差異已不復見。換言之,我們認為與JN相近之CV音節長度,如在日語音節長度記憶的時間範圍內,則可視為連續短CV音節的日語發話基礎已確立。由此可見,以連續輕聲音節為主的無義詞為基準,並記住日語連續短CV音節長度,足以產出適當的音節長度,得知通過一連串的指導可盡早學習到日語的正確發音。日語連續短CV音節發話基礎的確立,是為解決CNJ與JN的CV音節長度認知差異的有效方法。另,掌握對立長音節間的語音差異,對日語特殊節拍的學習效果亦具一定成效。</p> <p> </p><p>Accurate and fluent linguistic performance is the goal of language acquisition for foreign learners of Japanese. However, some native Chinese learners (hereinafter referred to as CNJ) complain that they cannot memorize the Japanese syllabary. This is related to the excessively long CV syllables of Japanese produced by CNJ, and prompt resolution of this issue is required.In this research, from the viewpoint of whether it is possible to reproduce the appropriate syllable length by short CV syllables using the meaningless words of 0 tone syllables. As a quasi-experimental study, using the three-syllable and four-syllable test words, including words, phrases, and short sentences by 6 CNJs and 3 native speakers of Tokyo dialect (hereafter referred to as JN) to conduct an experiment.As a result, the syllable length of CNJ (before instruction) for both three-syllable and four-syllable words was significantly more than JN and was also shown in the difference in expansion and contraction rate of syllable length from JN. But after instruction, no significant difference observed, which is close to JN. It shows that the basis of Japanese utterances based on consecutive short CV syllables has already been established.It was confirmed that it is possible to produce an appropriate syllable length by recalling the points of continuous short CV syllables of Japanese, based on meaningless words with continuous o tone syllables. Establishment of the base of utterances by consecutive short CV syllables of Japanese is a standard for resolving discrepancies in CV syllable lengths and grasping the phonetic differences between long syllables. It is also expected to serve as a basis for mastering special syllable.</p> <p> </p>

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