
In fresh-cut produce production, antimicrobials may be used during washing to control the risk of cross-contamination by microbial hazards. Surrogate microorganisms have long been used to validate processes, but none have been identified for validating the efficacy of antimicrobial washing of fresh-cut produce. The objective of this study was to develop procedures by which surrogates may be identified for use in validating the control of cross-contamination for fresh-cut lettuce operations. Four microbial characteristics, which may be important factors in cross-contamination events, were quantitatively evaluated in potential surrogate microorganisms for comparison to a reasonably foreseeable hazard, Escherichia coli O157:H7: sensitivity to chlorine in solution, sensitivity to chlorine on lettuce leaf surfaces, shedding from contaminated lettuce leaves into the water during washing, and cross-contamination from inoculated to uninoculated lettuce leaves during chorine washing. A procedure of practical quantitative experiments for comparing the characteristics reduced the original pool of 80 potential strains, which consisted of lactic acid bacteria, probiotics, and isolates obtained from lettuce enrichment cultures, to five strains: Lactobacillus plantarum, Pediococcus pentosaceus, probiotic 22C, and two lettuce enrichment isolates. These strains may be evaluated in additional studies involving comparisons to other reasonably foreseeable hazards and including other potential process variables that should be understood and controlled to prevent cross-contamination in fresh-cut lettuce operations.

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