
The determination of Sr in seawater, sediment and biota is carried out by radiochemical analysis. The choice of method is dependent on the amount of sample to be analyzed, die Ca/Sr mass ratio and the natural Si content of the sample. For large volumes of seawater and sediment samples (e.g., coral) of high Ca content, 1 g (minimum) of Sr carrier and 5 Sr tracer are used. The Sr fraction is separated and purified chiefly by Sr(N0 3 )2 precipitations. After 2-3 weeks, die ingrown 90 Y is separated from the parent 'Sr, and the 90 Y beta activity is measured by a gas-flow proportional counter. The detection limits obtained are 36 fiBq/L for seawater and 0.36 Bq/kg for corals. For sediment and biota samples of low to moderate Ca content and low natural Sr content, 10 - 20 mg of stable Sr carrier are used without 85 Sr. The Sr fraction is separated and purified using crown ether extraction chromatography. The purified Sr fraction itself (containing 'Sr together with in-growing 90 Y) is measured immediately using liquid scintillation counting. The detection limit obtained is 0.66 Bq/kg for lOg of sediment or

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