
The Christian landscape in Africa has changed significantly with the emergence and proliferation of Pentecostal Churches since the twentieth century. The uniqueness of the religious idiosyncrasies, ritual practices and transposable practices has made African Pentecostalism globalised, predicated on the forces of migration, missionising agenda, ease of travel and technological advancement. The increasing membership of African Pentecostal Churches in Africa might be due to the pure creativity and innovations of these churches with penchant claims of ability of the movement to meet the existential challenges of its adherents. Generally, across the globe, there is growing interest by scholars on religion and development. Nevertheless, the role of African Pentecostal Churches in transformation and development of their communities is mostly undocumented, because most of these churches are not known and recognised, except for the mega denominations. The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Nigeria, is one of several African Pentecostal Churches in Africa and the diaspora contributing to transformation and development. Although religion and development are multifaceted, this study aims to contribute to existing research outputs on the transformation and development methods of the African Pentecostal denominations using RCCG as a case study. The methodology employed is a case study methodology, a micro-analysis that combines exploratory and descriptive approaches. Thus this methodology enables a better understanding of the exploration of the nexus between religion and development using the lived religion approach, a deviation from economic growth models utilised mostly in development literature amongst western development agencies.

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