
Acute respiratory infections (ORI) are one of the most common causes of primary medical care in Pediatrics. The clinical picture of ORI is almost always accompanied by a combination of symptoms such as nasal discharge, nasal congestion, sore throat and cough, combined with muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, headache, and decreased appetite. Depending on the pathogen of the disease, there is a predominance of one of the symptoms and, therefore, the clinical picture of ORI can be very diverse and is determined by the anatomical localization of the main manifestations of infection. Cough is the most common symptom of acute respiratory diseases in children and is a protective reflex aimed at clearing the Airways in conditions of insufficient mucociliary clearance. By evaluating certain characteristics of a cough, pediatricians can determine the location and often the nature of the disease that causes it. By nature, it can be productive and unproductive (depending on the presence of sputum), by duration acute, subacute and chronic. The main causes of coughing in children are inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, and foreign bodies in the bronchi. and timely diagnosis of the disease. Treatment of asthma, bronchiolitis, whooping cough, pneumonia, aspiration of foreign bodies. the Effectiveness of cough therapy depends on the timely and correct determination of the cause that causes it. Therapy should be aimed at thinning sputum, reducing the viscosity and increasing the productivity of the cough. As an antitussive agent, the use of ivy leaf syrup Gedelix is justified. The safety of the drug and the possibility of accurate dosing justify its use in Pediatrics.

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