
In this publication, we will describe the combination of lectin affinity chromatography with nano high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to a linear ion trap Fourier transform mass spectrometer (capillary LC-LTQ/FTMS) to characterize N-linked glycosylation structures in human plasma proteins. We used a well-characterized glycoprotein, tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA), which is present at low levels in blood, as a standard to determine the dynamic range of this approach. N-linked glycopeptides derived from rt-PA could be characterized at a ratio of 1:200 in human plasma (rtPA: total plasma protein, w/w) by accurate mass measurement in the FTMS and fragmentation (MS(n)) in the linear ion trap. We demonstrated that this platform has the potential to characterize the general N-linked glycosylation structures of abundant glycoproteins present in human plasma without the requirement for antibody-based purification, or additional carbohydrate analytical protocols. This conclusion was supported by the determination of carbohydrate structures for three glycoproteins, IgG, haptoglobin, and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein, at their natural levels in a human plasma sample, but only after the lectin enrichment step.

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