
“Volcanogenic Complex” as a stratigraphic term is substantiated. Also discussed are peculiarities of the volcanic process, the nature and evolution time of the volcanic structures, the complete and incomplete volcanic cycles. Data of comprehensive geological, stratigraphic and paleovolcanologic study are used to subdivide the Kinkil’skii Formation of Paleogene volcanogenic rocks in the northwestern Kamchatka, which has undivided previously, into the Shamanka, Rebro, Bozhedomova, and Geeklen volcanogenic complexes of concurrent or different ages. As a result, two epochs of volcanism (the late Ypresian-Lutetian and late Bartonian-Priabonian) are distinguished. A hiatus separating the epochs was a time of intense scouring and leveling the landforms and of the weathering crust formation. In conclusions, some problems of the paleogeography in Kamchatka and adjacent territories are discussed.

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