
Crohn's disease is one of the leading causes of intestinal failure. The term 'type 2' intestinal failure is used to describe the relatively rare type of intestinal failure that occurs in association with septic, metabolic and complex nutritional complications, typically following surgical resection and/or laparostomy for intra-abdominal sepsis. A multidisciplinary approach to the management of patients with type 2 intestinal failure is crucial, and it is helpful to approach patient care in a structured manner using the 'sepsis-nutrition-anatomy-plan' algorithm: resolution of sepsis is required before adequate nutritional repletion can be achieved, and it is crucial to optimise nutritional status, and define intestinal anatomy before delineating a definitive medical or surgical plan. A structured approach to the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease, who have developed type 2 intestinal failure, should reduce the likelihood of these patients developing 'type 3' intestinal failure, which is characterised by the need for long-term parenteral nutrition. However, Crohn's disease is still the commonest indication for home parenteral nutrition in the UK.

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