
The main approaches and problems that arise when evaluating postmortem interval are defined, ways to avoid such problems are suggested. According to the results of scientific papers analysis on that topic, it was established that in the context of post-mortem changes studies such changes developed differently during a specific period of time passed from the time of death, they also appeared in a variety of forms as a result of environmental factors influence. The factors having a significant impact on postmortem changes were specified. A review of modern methods for determining post-mortem interval was conducted and methods for further improvement of the assessment of postmortem interval were proposed.
 The use of methods for assessing the PMI by means of the cadaveric phenomena does not always provide for investigating authorities necessary information due to the relatively large time interval in methods based on such changes. Researchers also note the presence of certain shortcomings in the use of existing methods.
 Current research using laser polarimetry methods have made it possible to establish post-mortem interval with relatively high accuracy. However, high prices and limited availability of equipment used in laser polarimetry methods preclude from using them in everyday practice of forensic medical examiners.
 When conducting studies on histological and biochemical changes in tissues of internal organs, certain morphological (decrease in optical density) and biochemical (changes in the levels of biochemical markers) changes in the early post-mortal period were identified, which will enable the development of specific tables where such changes would be linked to a specific post-mortem time period during certain short periods of time. Although changes in the conducted research were recognized only in the early post-mortem period and only in muscle tissue, further research on other tissues that are more resistant to post-mortem changes are likely to provide results that would be less affected by ambient temperature, exposure of a corpse to the sun rays, amount of clothing on a corpse, etc.) and also would be more accurate than most existing methods.


  • Розглянуто основні підходи та виявлено проблеми, що виникають під час визначення давності настання смерті, запропоновано шляхи уникнення цих проблем.

  • Визначення давності настання смерті (далі — ДНС) є пріоритетним завданням під час проведення судово-медичної експертизи трупів.

  • У більшості постанов слідчих органів постає питання такого визначення, однак, зважаючи на різноманітний характер та обставини настання смерті, коректне визначення ДНС є однією з найважливіших проблем судово-медичної експертології 1.

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Розглянуто основні підходи та виявлено проблеми, що виникають під час визначення давності настання смерті, запропоновано шляхи уникнення цих проблем. Визначення давності настання смерті (далі — ДНС) є пріоритетним завданням під час проведення судово-медичної експертизи трупів.

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