
The purpose - to determine the most productive crop rotation with a corresponding set, ratio and placement of field crops for different ways of basic soil tillage, fertilizer levels and weather conditions. Identify the main parts of the interplay of farming on soil fertility, productive and sustainable land use. Methods. Field, laboratory, comparative and analytical. Conclusions. U article summarizes experimentally developed and theoretically grounded and economically approved agri-environmental and biological basis of efficiency scientifically based crop rotation of different rotation group left bank steppe of Ukraine with optimal saturation ratio and placement agrophytocenoses depending on fertilization, tillage methods that enhances fertility and stabilization soil, increase quality agricultural products obtained by reducing the cost of its production.
 Objective scientific information that could serve as a basis for the development of modern agriculture can only be obtained by an integrated approach to the formulation of research in the field of long multifactor stationary experiment, conducted in the NSC "Institute of Agriculture NAAS." Establishing quantitative patterns of action the main factors in its comprehensive and manifestation of the separation opens up opportunities to create sustainable crop production technologies and development of soil fertility management. Besides great theoretical interest, they immediately practical.
 Long-term studies (1975-2015 gg.) Typical black soil unstable wetting left-bank forest-steppe Drabiv Experimental Station (now the experimental field) Cherkassy DSHDS NSC "Institute of Agriculture NAAS" set action and mutual influence of crop rotation, fertilizers, basic soil, weather agrophytocenoses on productivity and soil fertility. In view of climate change and market relations, ecological factor rotation is stabilizing soil-plant system for current and future agriculture. It selectively acts on mutual share of productivity crops grown on various soil cultivation technologies, reveals the features of formation of indicators of soil fertility, especially the humus balance and quality.
 The leading factor in the performance of field crop rotation is: after placing the best predecessors in the application of optimal doses of fertilizers and differentiated cultivation provides a stable grain yield at 5.5-6.5 t / ha. Collecting fodder units 1 hectare of crop rotation area was 10.8 and digestible protein 0,68-0,70 t / ha. Preference is for crop rotation with cereals 80%: 20% peas, 20 - winter wheat, 40% corn.
 In terms Panfyly research station on the same soil in average for 2004-2013 years. Short rotation driving and the effects of crop rotation and use of fertilizers on the characteristics of water and nutritious regime of soil, humus balance and nutrients, microbial activity processes, weed-infested state of agricultural crops. The meaning of income and quality of plant residues. The dependence of productivity, economic and energy efficiency different rotation types of field rotation.
 The technique for conducting reconstruction programs researching and the portion of the main factors of interference farming system and weather conditions on land use management.

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