
Multi-cultural teams pose special challenges to the project management of large-scale oil and gas technical projects. Many of these challenges are associated with communication—both delivery and perception of messages being communicated in different cultures. There are several barriers and filters that inhibit messages being delivered or received by individuals and teams. There are also subtle differences in how these barriers work in different cultural settings. Cultural differences can exacerbate misunderstandings making it essential for team leaders to be aware of the full spectrum of cultural protocols impacting a project team. To do so takes time, resource and commitment from the initial stages of a project. This article explores issues surrounding communication in large multi-cultural project teams. It concludes that the team building phase is important in establishing effective communications and that team development takes more time with a multi-cultural team. However, if team building is conducted well a multi-cultural team, with its diverse experience and approaches to problem solving, may well out-perform a team from a single cultural background.

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