
Different approaches to the analysis of Iannis Xenakis’ music have been studied by the example of his work Eonta (1963– 1964) for piano and brass quintet, First Concert for piano and symphonic orchestra Synaphaï (1969) and Second Concert for piano and symphonic orchestra Erikhthon (1974). An alternative method ofstudying Xenakis’ works based on the analysis of the experience of decoding computer programs typical for composer’s works studying has been proposed. An important feature of the investigation is an application of psychological analysis in studies of mythological plots of works, linked with the ancient Greek titles of the works by I. Xenakis along with comparative, phenomenological historical, musical analysis and statement of the computer programs’ use. As the result of alternative method of analysis, for the first time in musicology, new, tragic aspects of I. Xenakis’ personality, reflected in his works, were revealed. The phenomenon identified by M. Heidegger as “throwing into being” is presented in Xenakis’ work, in a form of mythology; the archetype being reflected in the music composition through the dramatic collision of the relationship between the soloist and the orchestra. Established conceptual link between the music of the composer and the philosophy of M. Heidegger gives a new viewpoint on the work of Xenakis

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