
We report a case of lung cancer with multiple metastases to the brain. A 55-year-old man suffered onset severe cough and dyspnea. He had no history of any systemic disease. Standard blood work-up was normal. Computed tomographic and bronchoscopic biopsy identified an asymptomatic primary pulmonary large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma in the left upper lobe of the lungs and less differentiated squamous cell carcinoma right upper lobe of the lungs. He also received chemotherapy and radiation therapy to treat the primary lung cancer. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed multiple intracranial tumors, including3 cmmetastatic mass in left temporal lobe and3,5 cm metastatic mass in right frontal lobe. There were no metastatic findings in any other organs. First of all, the patient underwent a right frontotemporal approach with total microsurgical resection and after time underwent a left temporal approach with total microsurgical resection . He made good recovery and discharged.


  • Vitamin B12 deficiency may present with neuropathy, myelopathy, dementia, neuropsychiatric disorders and optic neuropathy

  • Because of the relative frequency and importance of Vitamin B12 deficiency in neurological practice, we presented a detailed review of a case with reversible spinal cord involvement due to vitamin B12 deficiency, with the clinical and imaging features

  • *nöromyelitis optika (NMO): Neuromyelitis optica, HIV: İnsan Bağışıklık Yetmezlik Virüsü, HSV: herpes simplex virüs, SLE: Sistemik Lupus Eritematozus, LBSL: Beyin sapı ve spinal kord tutulumu yüksek laktat seviyesi ile seyreden lökoensefelopati, ADLD: Yetişkin başlangıçlı otozomal dominant lökodistrofi Tablo için Kaynaklar: [17, 27, 28, 14, 42, 43]

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Vitamin B12 deficiency may present with neuropathy, myelopathy, dementia, neuropsychiatric disorders and optic neuropathy. Subakut kombine dejenerasyon (SKD) olarak bilinen spinal kord tutulumu, nörolojik komplikasyonların %10’unu oluşturur [4,5]. MR servikal görüntülemesinde, servikal kord posterior kesiminde, servikomedüller bileşke düzeyinden başlayarak, C5-6 düzeyine kadar uzanan, T2 ağırlıklı görüntülerde hiperintens, kontrast tutmayan lezyon izlendi (Resim 1).

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