
Introduction Numerous advantages of Performance-Based Navigation should be applied in reorganizing the terminal airspace around Belgrade after the opening of 'Batajnica' airport for civil operations. The concept of Performance-Based Navigation Contrary to conventional navigation which relies on navigation signals from ground navaids, PBN is predominantly based upon satellite navigation. RNP - Required Navigation Performance RNP is defined as a set of standards which specify required navigation performance accuracy of an aircraft in certain airspace. Some of its key features are monitoring of actually achieved navigational performances and navigation containment. Benefits and possible issues with RNP implementation Implementation of RNP leads to significant savings in fuel and time, it increases the efficiency of airspace and capacity, reduces ATC workload while on the other hand there are a number of issues that still should be addressed. Barometric Vertical Navigation (Baro-VNAV) The essence of Baro-VNAV is calculation of the vertical component of a 3D flight path that aircraft should follow based on measured static pressure. CDA - Continuous Descent Approach By CDA, approach is flown with a constant gradient at minimal thrust instead of alternating descent and level flight with increased thrust as it is flown in a conventional approach. The airports Both of the airports have their own TMA, but currently there are conventional SID and STAR flows for 'Nikola Tesla' running through TMA 'Batajnica' while procedures for 'Batajnica' are issued only as temporary for special flights. Procedure design A detailed overview of procedure design includes general considerations, the principles on which the design is based, design of turns, maps of inbound flows featuring holdings and missed approach segments. Holdings All holdings, including both in approach and in missed approach for both airports are defined in accordance with RNP holding criteria and in a way that aircraft inbound from as many as possible flows could use them. Final approaches All final approaches consist of a single TF leg (Track to Fix). Containment areas are linear and all their elements are determined by RNP 0.3. Baro-VNAV is used for vertical guidance. Missed approach segments with MAP holdings In design of missed approach segment only TF legs were used for a straight flight and RF legs for turns. The priority was minimization of total complexity in the segment which is why the minimal number of legs was used and turn amplitude was limited. Conclusion Implementation of RNP AR APCH in combination with Baro- VNAV and CDA at 'Nikola Tesla' and 'Batajnica' would bring many benefits without any observed negative side effects. Note The topic is addressed with far more details in diploma thesis of Vojislav Milosavljević, originally titled 'Procedure za prilaz i sletanje na aerodrome 'Nikola Tesla' i 'Batajnica' primenom RNP AR APCH i Baro-VNAV' defended at The Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia, on July, 7th 2008. Detailed calculations, figures, explanations of chosen solutions and other are featured in the thesis available at the library of the faculty. .

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