
High numbers of franciscanas (Pontoporia blainvillei) have been bycaught in gillnets for at least four decades. The impact is strong but not homogeneous along the species distribution range, and there is evidence that at least one local population is declining. Reliable stock determination is important to evaluate how bycatch affects stocks so that they can be preserved through local management actions. Following the phylogeographic approach of Dizon et al. (1992), which applies a hierarchical classification scheme to stock designations, available information relevant for franciscana stock discreteness was reviewed, including data on distribution, population response, phenotype and genotype. Data on mtDNA, morphometrics and population parameters all together provide evidence for splitting the species into four management stocks: two inhabiting coastal waters of Brazil; the third occurring in Rio Grande do Sul State (southern Brazil) and Uruguay, and the fourth inhabiting coastal Argentine waters. The areas where these stocks occur are herein called Franciscana Management Areas or FMA I to IV. Although in some cases the evidence for such sub-division into four stocks is weak due to lack of data, the use of the proposed classification into four FMAs is recommended to warrant effective management on a local scale.

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