
The geoconservation field has proven relevant progress in recent years. Inventorying, whether for scientific or tourist purpose, is among the most frequent actions. Although there is an increasing number of a methodological research on inventory, in many cases, it does not include accurate geosite delimitation nor management proposals. These two aspects are essential in order to connect with land managers because more than a mere list of points to protect geosites is required. A geosite inventory of the province of Burgos is presented in this paper. Seventy-eight geosites throughout the province have been identified, precisely delimited and analyzed, grouping a total of 244 sites of geological interest. There is a great variety in their ages (from the Cambrian to the Quaternary), geological zones, geographical location, and interest types. Management proposals related to protection, restoration, land use regulation, tourism, divulgation, investigation, and management have been included. The proposals are very different depending on geosite characteristics. The purpose of the geosite inventory is mainly for management and we informed the environmental agency responsible for protecting the area. This is a very important step for the protection of certain areas, especially for those that are not or only partly included in a natural protected area, which means two-thirds of total.

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