
Following G.~Gratzer and E.~Knapp, 2009, a planar semimodular lattice $L$ is \emph{rectangular}, if~the left boundary chain has exactly one doubly-irreducible element, $c_l$, and the right boundary chain has exactly one doubly-irreducible element, $c_r$, and these elements are complementary. The Czedli-Schmidt Sequences, introduced in 2012, construct rectangular lattices. We use them to prove some structure theorems. In particular, we prove that for a slim (no $\mathsf{M}_3$ sublattice) rectangular lattice~$L$, the congruence lattice $\Con L$ has exactly $\length[c_l,1] + \length[c_r,1]$ dual atoms and a dual atom in $\Con L$ is a congruence with exactly two classes. We also describe the prime ideals in a slim rectangular lattice.


  • The Czedli-Schmidt Sequences, introduced in 2012, construct rectangular lattices

  • We prove that for a slim rectangular lattice L, the congruence lattice Con L has exactly length[cl, 1] + length[cr, 1] dual atoms and a dual atom in Con L is a congruence with exactly two classes

  • We describe the prime ideals in a slim rectangular lattice

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The Czedli-Schmidt Sequences, introduced in 2012, construct rectangular lattices. We use them to prove some structure theorems. APPLYING THE CZEDLI-SCHMIDT SEQUENCES TO CONGRUENCE PROPERTIES OF PLANAR SEMIMODULAR LATTICES

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