
One of the potentials that can be done by smart contracts is the application of buying and selling business in e- commerce. In a study conducted by the British research institute Merchant Machine as reported in databoks.katadata.co.id states that, out of the 10 list of countries that have the fastest e-commerce growth, Indonesia leads the ranks of these countries with growth reaching 78% in the year 2018. As you know, blockchain not only develops cryptocurrency but also in financial services and smart contract payments. Legal arrangements that apply to smart contracts governed by contract and sale and purchase laws in Indonesia have not yet been found, and need to be explored in order to provide certainty regarding legal protection that can guarantee parties who use smart contracts to guarantee legal certainty and fairness in their application. The research that will be conducted in answering these questions uses a systematic review method, the researcher traces the legislation regarding consumer protection, as well as the principles of electronic contract law that can be applied. The results of the study concluded that with the regulations regarding electronic contracts, smart contracts are legal contracts that can be applied in Indonesia.

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