
AbstractThe requirements for logistics processes in retail trade have increased significantly over the recent years due to the growing complexity and the globalization of the economic structures. In order to achieve an efficient planning, monitoring and control, a powerful and reliable information management become necessary which is mostly based on real-time data. In this case it is essential to apply Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. In this contribution at first the underlying technical frameworks will be explained. Then some economic aspects of RFID applications will be discussed in terms of costs and benefits. After that, three different areas of RFID applications will be presented: the support of logistical processes along the supply chain and in connection with efficient in-store logistics as well as for the traceability of the origin of products. Based on this, some critical aspects of the application of RFID technology will be analyzed and evaluated. Finally an outlook and trends of possible developments in the coming years will be provided.KeywordsSupply ChainRetail TradeLogistics PointRadio Frequency IdentificationLoad CarrierThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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