
Objective of the study – to develop and test in operation of the Rospotrebnadzor Spesialized Anti-Epidemic Teams (SAET), deployed during the major mass events, the procedure for application of molecular-genetic methods for detection and identification of pathogenic biological agents. Materials and methods. Utilized are the reporting documentation drawn up by the results of work of the specialized anti-epidemic teams of the Rospotrebnadzor on the provision of sanitary epidemiological welfare during Olympic Games 2014 and other important mass events in Sochi in 2015–2017. Results and conclusions. Developed and tested in practice of the Rospotrebnadzor SAET during the major mass events has been procedure for application of molecular-genetic methods, based on structured approach (algorithm) of indication and genetic characterization of PBA. Equipping of the SAET with diagnostic preparations is carried out in accordance with the provision of preparedness for performing investigations by three-level algorithm of molecular-genetic characteristics of pathogens: level I – detection (indication) of a pathogen using PCR, level II – identification of the pathogen genome fragments using PCR, level III – genotyping. Developed procedure was used successfully by the SAET during the Olympic Games 2014 and other important mass events in Sochi in 2015–2017, which allows for recommending it for future use.


  • Objective of the study – to develop and test in operation of the Rospotrebnadzor Spesialized Anti-Epidemic Teams (SAET), deployed during the major mass events, the procedure for application of molecular-genetic methods for detection and identification of pathogenic biological agents

  • Developed procedure was used successfully by the SAET during the Olympic Games 2014 and other important mass events in Sochi in 2015–2017, which allows for recommending it for future use

  • Увеличение потенциальных рисков здоровью населения во время массовых мероприятий служит основанием для совершенствования алгоритмов санитарно-эпидемиологического надзора [13]

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Материалы и методы

Использовались отчетные документы по итогам работы специализированной противоэпидемической бригады (СПЭБ) Роспотребнадзора при обеспечении санитарно-эпидемиологического благополучия в период подготовки и проведения XXII Олимпийских зимних игр (далее Олимпиада-2014) и XI Паралимпийских зимних игр 2014 г. в Сочи и других массовых мероприятий, проходивших в регионе в 2015–2017 гг., нормативно-методические документы по лабораторной диагностике опасных инфекционных болезней бактериальной и вирусной природы.

Результаты и обсуждение
Объем выполняемых исследований
Yersinia pestis
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