
ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework for overseeing that applications of artificial intelligence are ethically implemented and applied. With the expanding use of Generative AI (GAI) such as ChatGPT, Bard, DALL-E, and DeepMind, and the growing adoption of these technologies in Human Resource Development (HRD), there is a pressing need to address the ethical implications of these technologies. The challenges associated with AI and GAI include bias, fairness, transparency, safety and control, displacement and job loss, privacy intrusion, humanity, and agency. These concerns have significant implications for HRD practices and the broader organisational ecosystem. However, there is a lack of comprehensive frameworks and guidelines to address the related ethical challenges these technologies present, ensuring the responsible and humane use of AI and GAI in HRD. There is a need to push the boundaries of thinking about the impact of AI in HRD and develop a comprehensive framework for guiding the ethical applications of AI and GAI in HRD practices, promoting fairness, transparency, and privacy. This paper provides a comprehensive framework of practices for addressing these challenges.

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