
Abstract—The E-Learning Maturity Model (eMM) is a framework for quality improvement, by which institutions can assess and compare their capability to sustainably develop, deploy and support e-learning. This paper presents a three-dimensional (3D) approach to e-Learning quality improvement. In the approach the eMM is applied in “Diagnosis” phase as an assessment tool for e-Learning process improvement in institutional context where the key elements necessary for improvement in e-learning activities are identified. The “Development” phase of the 3D approach concentrates on putting together improvement or change packages to target areas of deficiency. In strategic point of views, the packages are translated into implementation plans in a short term, a mid term, and a long term. In “Delivery” phase of the approach, the main focus is the human resource and marketing efforts for implementing the change packages in operational point of views. The 3D approach described can be beneficial in guiding individual institution's understanding of their e-learning capability and providing educational institutions with a roadmap for e-learning process improvement as well as providing a framework for strategic and operational planning and investment.

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