
Abstract San Andres carbonate reservoirs have long been known to have a high degree of reservoir heterogeneity and poor recovery efficiencies. Fractures are one of several causes of this heterogeneity. The heterogeneity causes unpredictability in water and CO2 flooding. However, the correct placement of horizontal wells can take advantage of this problem. An integrated reservoir characterization study of the Mabee field incorporating oriented core, Formation Microscanner (FMS) wireline logs, seismic time slices, production character, curvature analysis, and interference testing was used to predict fracture orientation and areas of highest fracture density. These fracture characteristics were then applied to determine horizontal well location and orientation. Fracture orientation was evaluated through the analysis of oriented core, FMS logs, and interference testing, indicating a fracture orientation of N70W. Analysis of the induced fractures in the oriented core indicates that the direction of maximum horizontal compressive stress is N45E. High fracture density was delineated by curvature analysis, relative seismic amplitude, and areas of higher production. Areas with high curvature corre- spond to areas of high relative seismic amplitude and higher production. The data integration indicates that four areas have high fracture density. The synthesis of fracture orientation and density, along with the production character, indicates the optimal location and orientation of horizontal wells.

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