
Abstract Natural fracture distribution is critical to the hydrocarbon production from the Early Triassic Montney unconventional oil and gas play. The formation underwent several tectonic events, creating a unique natural fracture system. Identifying tectonic events and their stress field evolution is an import component in fracture system modeling and prediction. The objective of this paper is to identify the evolution of paleo-stress domains, to establish related tectonic models, and to generate the drivers for fracture network modeling which will aid in reservoir understanding and overall play development. Compared with other geomechanical approaches, the boundary element method (BEM) is better suited for the structural characteristics in the study area. Hence, the corresponding boundary element simulation (BES) was applied for the evolution of the paleo-stress domains. The methodology is a combination of 3D BEM and Monte Carlo simulations. The inputs include seismic interpreted faults and natural fractures from Formation Microimager logs. After applying the methodology, several best fit realizations were calculated, and the admissible paleo-stress domains were characterized by the tectonic models which are consistent with the regional tectonic evolution of the formation. The study area is about 400 km2 located at northeast British Columbia in the Western Canada Basin. The main structural features are the thrust and back-thrust faults, forming different fault blocks without any significant deformation structures. The Montney formation within the study area underwent several tectonic events: (1) regime of terrane collision, indentation and lateral escape during end of Middle Jurassic to Middle Cretaceous; (2) regime of left-lateral transpression dominated by strike-slip during end of Late Cretaceous and Paleocene; and (3) regime of right-lateral transtension dominated by strike-slip during end of Early and Middle Eocene which is maintained till present day. Three major stress domains were identified in the study area by the application of the BES method, one reverse event and two strike-slip events, representing paleo and present-day stress domains. These stress domains are consistent with the regional tectonic evolution history of the foreland basin. The stress field parameters, such as stress ratio and maximum horizontal stress azimuth, are consistent. The derived tectonic models are shown to be reliable drivers for the subsequent fracture modeling and geomechanics study.

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