
Platypuses are the world's most evolutionarily distinct mammal and have several host-specific ecto- and endoparasites. With platypus populations declining, consideration should also be given to preserving these high conservation priority parasites alongside their charismatic host. A disease risk analysis (DRA) was performed for a platypus conservation translocation, using a modified streamlined methodology that incorporated a parasite conservation framework. DRA frameworks rarely consider parasite conservation. Rather, parasites are typically considered myopically in terms of the potential harm they may cause their host. To address this, a previously proposed parasite conservation framework was incorporated into an existing streamlined DRA methodology. Incorporation of the two frameworks was achieved readily, although there is opportunity for further refinement of this process. This DRA is significant as it is the first performed for any monotreme species, and implements the emerging approach of balancing the health and disease risk of the host with parasite conservation.

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