
The question of whether tailings dumps are or could be sustainable is somewhat unanswered within the sphere of sustainable mining. The literature is abundant concerning the negative impacts of tailings upon the local environment–human system and wider. However, the literature is equally numerous concerning the unique ecological habitats that can develop, and resultant recreational and job opportunities within the tourism and leisure industry. Therefore, whether tailings dumps could be a sustainable entity, is important to answer.The paper consequently intends to explore this by the application of a mathematical model of sustainability to the results obtained for the EIA of the tailings dumps of the Lupeni coal mine, in the Jiului Valley, Romania. The EIA conducted used the Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM) methodology.The paper demonstrates the methodology necessary to apply the model to the results of the RIAM evaluation. A determination of sustainability or unsustainability for the tailings dumps was undertaken. The results indicated that currently the tailings dumps were currently deemed as unsustainable, based on the obtained E-value of 0.464 being lower than the obtained HNI-value of 0.482.The paper concludes by stating the tailings dumps could become a valuable ecological and recreational resource if a proper and effective environmental management strategy was implemented. However, based on previous mining-related studies conducted by ourselves, this would produce weak sustainability to occur at best.

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